To report suspected child abuse & neglect, call (800) 800-5556.
What can I do if I suspect that children are being abused?
Anyone who knows or suspects that a child may be abused or neglected should call the Indiana Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-800-5556. Calls may be made 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Mandated reporters include such professionals as doctors, clergy, social workers and teachers, but according to Indiana law, every Indiana resident has a duty to report child abuse or neglect.
When a report of abuse and neglect is made: The caller (who may remain anonymous) will be asked to give the following information:
Child’s name, age, sex
Parent’s name, address, phone number
Description of abuse and neglect
A Child Protective Services (CPS) case manager will investigate as to whether the child is seriously impaired or his/her life is endangered. If the child’s safety is at risk, the court may authorize temporary placement of the child out of the home. The child may live with a relative, in a foster home or a group home. When a child is removed, services are offered so the family can be reunited as soon as it is safe to do so. A case plan for services to the family will be developed if abuse/neglect is found. The person accused of the abuse may be prosecuted in criminal court. If the child is returned home, CPS will continue to monitor for a time to ensure the child’s safety and help the family avoid further abuse.
What is Child Abuse?
One of the best ways you can help prevent child abuse is to understand what it is and how you can stop it. Below are definitions and examples of the different types of abuse recognized by the Indiana legal system. Legal Definition of Abuse: Indiana Code 31-34-1 states “…the child’s physical or mental health is seriously endangered due to injury by the act or omission of the child’s parent, guardian, or custodian.”
What Is Physical Abuse?
Physical abuse is the intentional infliction of physical injury or allowing another to do so. Some physical indicators include unexplained bruises, welts, burns, lumps, fractures, cuts or abrasions, as well as dental/oral injuries.
What Is Sexual Abuse?
Sexual abuse is the use of a child for sexual gratification by an adult or older child in a position of power, or permitting another person to do so. Physical indicators include any venereal disease; bruised/dilated genitals or rectum; pregnancy under 16 years of age; difficulty/pain in walking or sitting; foreign matter in bladder, rectum or urethra; torn, stained or bloody underclothing; recurrent urinary tract infections.
What Is Neglect?
Neglect is the chronic failure to meet child’s basic needs for food, clothes, shelter, medical care, education or supervision. Physical indicators can include flat, bald spots on infant’s head; dirty and/or smelly child; torn, dirty or inappropriate clothing for the weather; developmental lags; underweight child.