CHILL At The Courtyard

The Courtyard is an apartment complex for youth ages 18-25 who were homeless or who have aged out of the foster care system. CHILL (Creating Hope, Instilling Life Lessons), Inc. provides social services to residents living at the Courtyard. Through these social services, CHILL staff members work with residents to help develop food security, life skills and employment opportunities.

How can an individual apply?

If you are interested in applying for services at CHILL, please call the housing line at 260-423-3546, ext. 332. Applicants need to leave a detailed message with their name, contact information, and e-mail. Please mention that you are interested in applying to live at The Courtyard. Messages are checked by Coordinated Entry throughout the day, and someone will be in touch with you soon.

To learn more about CHILL, click HERE to go to their website.